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Lex et Juctitia

Online meeting with Yehor Poliukh

Today, on April 18th, 2024 students of Philology speciality of Leonid Yuzkov Khmelnytskyi University of Management and Law had a chance to attend online meeting with Yehor Poliukh, Bachelor of Applied Linguistics, Master’s student in International Relations (Faculty of political science and journalism), Maria Curie-Sklodowska University (Poland, Lublin) and Oleksiy Tereshchenko, student in Center of Polish Language and Culture for the Polish Diaspora and Foreigners, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University (Poland, Lublin). The discussion was devoted to specifics of educational process in the universities of Poland (forms and methods of learning a foreign language, academic mobility,  assessment, some aspects of practical preparation, etc.). By organizing such meetings, we invite students to pay attention, be free-thinking, engage joyfully in their work, take risks, and challenge themselves.
We are grateful to our guests for fruitful deliberations and hope to meet them soon).